USER Permissions & GHL Functions

Recently the team at Go High Level opened up their USER API to allow us to automatically sync up new users created in the system with those created in GHL.

What does this mean? If you want to restrict or open up GHL Functionaliy, like FUNNELS, or WEBSITES to different user types, you can now do this automatically!

We have created a permissions sync with the existing GHL functions here in the ROLES tab in the system:

You will notice that we have used the PLANS and ROLES terminology similarly in communications and documents. This is to keep things simple for you.

For example, if you have a PREMIUM Plan for your users, you would have that plan allocate the PREMIUM Role to those users when they sign up.

Thie means, when you click on Edit here to update the PREMIUM Role, you will see down the bottom, a list of checkboxes for the functions in GHL that you want these new users to have:

If you go to your GHL account, you can see where these will match those available if you manually set up a user:

If you have any trouble setting these up, hit the chat icon to the bottom right of your admin settings in your wrapper app and we will help you.

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