Quick Start Guide

Here's a video walk through of the front and back end for the system: https://www.loom.com/share/d5caeeca57274fdb9cf43599746b0684


Your server may on the test domain like: http://YOURBUSINESS.rapidexecutive.com

When you change your domain you submitted to us, to point to this IP Address, let us know and we will cut it over:
A record:
Once the IP address is updated, we are then able to flick it over and issue you with a full SSL certificate for the site.

To test your IP address, go to https://dnschecker.org and select A and put in your domain. Make sure all the locations have a green tick.

Your login url for the Admin will be something like: http://YOURBUSINESS.rapidexecutive.com/admin
Username: Your Email
Your Password: Ch@ngeme2

You may or may not need to, but when you first login, hit CTRL-Shift-R (it's my server cache) to clear your cache.


Your site will start in TEST mode in Stripe, you can adjust that here once your plan id's are updated: https://prnt.sc/sccien
Once you have done a test, you can also turn ON the "Require Card Up Front" to turn off trial accounts on your system too.
Stripe recently changed their UI and it's confusing folks, but just like other platforms, you create a PLAN in LIVE MODE in Stripe, using a custom plan id, then flick over to TEST MODE and create the same plan, using the same custom plan id, they will then link up and allow you to test it on your site here, using the live plan id, in test mode. A lilttle confusing, but if you need a hand with that let me know.
If you are familiar with Clickfunnels, it's essentially the same.


The MAIL SERVICE to users is now available and you can add your SMTP details for that. Until you add these, no user emails will go out. https://prnt.sc/t1w223
Hit reply and let me know if you aren't using Mailgun and we can help you with whichever SMTP provider you have.

The CUSTOM ONBOARDING FORM process is now available in the site, it's off by default and your clients will just see the standard form that will ask them their business details, as this will automagically create their HighLevel location and user in your app for you.
If you want to switch on the 3rd step, custom form, you can go to your form builder here https://prnt.sc/t1w0a5 and switch it to Private (Logged in users see it) with this option: https://prnt.sc/t1w0up

If you gave us Snapshot ID's on sign up, these will be added in the new SNAPSHOTS menu tab, when you can now allocate different snapshots to different buyerts.

If you need to find a new Snapshot ID, here's the process to find it in your GHL account:

a. Log into your Admin Panel and click on ACCOUNT SNAPSHOTS: https://prnt.sc/tu5k2k
b. Find the snapshot you need from one of the tabs at the top, Click the Select & Create New Account button: https://prnt.sc/tu5kdk
c. Your Snapshot ID is available here between the "=" and "&": https://prnt.sc/tu5ku0


Your HELPDOCS SITE will be on something like YOURBUSINESS.helpscoutdocs.com. You will find details of that on your get.ghl.tools/dashboard, along with the widget code for the helpdocs chat widget if you have the Premium Plan.

These will both be installed on your new wrapper site.
You can copy paste this code into your AGENCY SETTINGS, Custom JS area inside your Highlevel to add this same help icon there too.

Let us know which CATEGORIES you want us to remove (e.g. Whitelabel, Zapier, Snapshots are usually requested)
We will also need a support email address to forward any tickets raised from the ASK section of the helpdocs.

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us